Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Choosy Beggar

I was leaving a training at work the other night and noticed one lone slice of veggie pizza.  Not wanting it to go to waste I plopped it on a paper plate, covered it with a napkin, and planned to take it home to J-Man.

A few steps outside the door I encountered a homeless-type beggar dude.  I call him a dude because while clearly begging, he also looked a little like I could've gone to high school with him and perhaps he'd smoked a little too much of this or that while trying to find himself and instead ended up bearded on the streets of Old Town.

Him: Namaste

Me: Ok (I've taken yoga but always feel silly saying namaste)

Him: Do you have, is that food?

Me: Yeah, I was going to take it to my husband but are you hungry?  Would you like it?

Him: What is it?

Me: (lifting the napkin) It's pizza.

Him: (nose turned up) Um, well, no, I'm a...  I'm a...

Me: Carnivore? (smile)

Him: No, I just don't um, I don't risk it with pizza, you know? Unless it's gourmet.

Me: (What?!) It's from Bertucci's (pointing the direction of that gourmet-enough Italian restaurant)

Him: Oh, Bertucci's?  Can I see it again?

Me: (still oddly indulging him) Sure.

Him: So those are peppers?

Me: Yeah, and mushrooms

Him: Oh, mushrooms.  Uh.  You know.  Um.  No thanks.  You can take that to your husband.  Tell him I hope he likes it

Me: Ok, I'm sure he will.

And now I know that  beggars indeed can be choosers, especially when asking for food and being offered tasty pizza. 

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