Monday, August 15, 2011

I Am Superwoman

This weekend I was thinking how to frame this post.  Clearly I went with comparing myself to a superhero that might not even exist (does she?), but there were other options.

The first, and really the only other, was Nicole Conquers Puke.

Sorry, were you eating?

I am too.  But that's one of the amazing things about this pregnancy.  Puking is now such a normal part of my life that I don't even blink when discussing it.  Sort of like ovulation and cycle days used to be.  Instead, it's transformed into a source of pride.

For example, the other night when my red velvet mini cupcake did not help with the "any food in your tummy is better than an empty tummy" advice, and I found myself visiting mr. toilet before I even said hello to J-Man upon getting home. There I was enjoying the cake a second time, while crying and having a nose bleed all at once, and I stopped to give myself a pat on the back.

Ok, not 100% true.  First I called out to J-Man for a glass of ginger ale with lots of ice and a cold wet washcloth for my forehead and then neck.  Then we laughed and said hello and I love you and I patted myself on the back.

Look what I can do!

Since then I've found some other exciting locations to kneel and discovered that even crackers and ginger ale like the two-way road map of my esophagus.  Who knew?

Mama H is worrying I'm losing weight, but I assure her I still eat plenty, plenty, plenty.  Especially when french fries are on the menu.  Yum!

On the weekends I wonder how I get through a work day, but then work comes around and I do it.  I just do it.

A friend of mine told me that this would happen.  That motherhood would be a constant belief that I couldn't do anything more, and then finding resolve and realizing I am superwoman.

Yes, I look forward to the days where being superwoman has less to do with trips to the bathroom and more to do with well, just about anything else, but for now I guess I'll own it.

11 weeks tomorrow, 2nd trimester peeking it's hopeful head, a chance to hear my peg's heartbeat in a week - all food to the superhuman soul

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