Saturday, September 22, 2012

Half A Year

Last week PDG turned 6 months and this tired mama didn't take a moment to give the updates.

He is now a rolling scooting machine.  He's discovered computer cords and sometimes gets close to the tv area, so child proofing is about to be reality.

He sits for longer and longer now, but inevitably either face plants or just slumps to the side

He went through a phase this month when he would look at a new person and just laugh.  For some this was cute, but I saw others find this a little awkward.  Oh well.

There was no notable 6-month growth spurt, but he does still eat every 2-2.5 hours.  At daycare he started crying after bottles and whenever the other kids got their snacks, so since then we've been happily sending along finger foods and purees to supplement the milk

He started sleeping through the night with more consistency (which then was fully interrupted right after the 6-month birthday by his first cold, but whatever, there's hope for a comeback)

 He weighed in at only 17lbs this time, meaning he dropped off his curve.  Doc wasn't concerned, but just said that if he is ever acting hungry we can consider supplementing with formula.  Since I wasn't at the appointment and J-Man delivered this suggestion to me after an exhausting day, there was a lot of crying and feeling of inadequacy.  That's passed now, I think.  Mostly I just want him to be growing ok, and he's continuing in the 50-60% range so still perfectly healthy.  Just no more 90+% for height.

Overall he's a champ, and he and pops made it through the appointment just fine.  J-Man handled daycare drop off for the first time and we entered into this new month of solids and scoots and colds and teeth that all technically fall into next month's updates.

Yeah, that was a lot.  It's ok if you're yawning too.  Here's hoping sleep returns this week and runny noses go away so I can get back to writing a little more.

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