Monday, December 17, 2012

Hunger Games

If there is one thing that has remained constant with PDG since the day he was born it would be that this kid loves to eat.  Loves doesn't even capture it.  He can't get enough food.  Period.  Since birth it seems like every milestone he's hit has been in order to achieve access to more food.

Focusing on a spoon helped him to sit, bottles of milk and cider encouraged him to roll, then scoot, then crawl to get closer, and now real food makes him pull up into the dishwasher, reach for his high chair and claw at the oven.

Yes, I have felt guilty at times shaking a container of Cheerios, placing it on the mat by his toys, and encouraging to him to come get them like he's a puppy.  I'll admit it.  But since he's happiest when he's eating, and he's pretty good at letting you know when he's not happy, I think I could be doing way worse.  Right?

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