Friday, March 21, 2014

M&N's Wedding

I'm sure I've said it before, but I love weddings!  I really do.  I love how happy everyone is.  The people getting married.  The people involved in the wedding.  The people in the audience, watching the two in love, reflecting on their own loves.

So. Much. Love.

I get all sappy at weddings.  Especially during the vows.  I can't even blame it on pregnancy this time - I'm just a softie who loves hearing people say sweet things to the person they don't ever want to live without.  Oh, and I should mention, these vows were fabulously crafted, extended metaphors on tandem biking.  Exquisite.

The other thing I love is how weddings are such a great fit for the couple.  Like, this wedding screamed M&N because it was their day.  The wedding I attended for Miss R in October had a totally different feel and was equally amazing because it screamed R&G.

Bonus points if you can find Miss F in all but one of these :)

Can I say though, I'm kinda glad I got married before all my friends started attending bunches of weddings and would have opinions one way or another about any choices I made.  Not that I'd change them.  I loved my wedding.  I just know that being me, I'd manage to worry.  Even just the anxiety of the possibility of added pressure would get me.  Which, when it comes to anxiety, it's all about perception anyway.  So yeah. Phew.  And if you're reading this and not married and one day I'll get to be invited, know that I will be oohing and ahhing no matter what decisions you make on the billion choices that go into a wedding day. Because, if you hadn't gathered, I love weddings.

So, right, back to M&N.  It was fabulous.  J-Man enjoyed the light-hearted homily that acknowledged without overstating the same-sex nature of the union.  And the oysters.  And the seared tuna.  And the fact that the dancing started full-on before the salads were even served.

I loved the dresses and the venue (which I introduced to M back when we saw Music Man there) and the way the two of them looked at each other and smiled all night.  And the photo booth.  And the mad libs.

There was just so much to love.

Above all, I got to spend the evening with three of my favorite ladies.

It was a night out that I really needed.  A chance to dress up and dance with J-Man and be carefree (except for the necessary pumping in the bathroom) and feel young.

I'm lucky that I found my someone to love and that we still feel the same, even seven years later.  I'm lucky to have sweet boys to care for, and parents who will care for them instead when I need a break.  I'm so glad to see M&N enjoy that same lucky feeling too.

1 comment:

  1. Just going through old this one!! I love weddings, too. I'm happy to have another big one to look forward to this fall!
