Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Pat's Snow Day

Ok, I'm looking on the bright side of things.

Yes, it is March, and it is snowing.  Yes, that means there will be more days tacked onto the school year, or minutes to each day. Yes, I am beyond ready for spring days that turn into spring weeks and spring months and then summer.

But, ok, the bright side.

I got an extra day today to cuddle with my boys.  To dress them up in green and change the sheets to green and take pictures.  (and do some needed laundry)

Plus, I actually have time to write on snow days.  Unlike the weekends when spare minutes are used for chores and holding hands with J-Man and venturing to the park or the store or church or you know, just napping.  Snow days do hold that potential to not need quite as much rest and do the other things that are always just barely too low on the list of priorities to get weekend time.

So today we're wearing green and hanging out.

Oh, and because who doesn't love bathtime pictures, here are a few.

sometimes he won't smile but will respond to "show me your teeth"

the divider keeps the splashing minimal and gives all the letters/numbers
 a home - everybody wins!

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