Monday, June 2, 2014

On Sick Babies

MDG with his 103F fever
There's so much not to love about your kids being sick.

The sleepless nights

How mad they get when they can't breathe with the pacifier in. Or calm down with it out.

The struggle to aspirate without missing a nostril and accidentally puncturing an eye

The forcing of medicine while they act like they're victims of torture

The unpredictability of everything that once used to follow a natural schedule

The disinfecting

The laundry

The arms sore from rocking, back sore from swaying, legs sore from bouncing

The heart sore from wishing you could just make them feel better by taking it away yourself

But, there are a few up-sides if you are a silver linings seeker like myself

There are almost always unexpected naps
And sweet cuddles
And when you're really lucky, cuddles that turn into naps.
Just enough to remind you they won't be this tiny forever. It's ok to be needed now and again. This virus, too, shall pass.

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