Seven months old.
So, what is he up to? Well, for one, he learned to crawl in June. Way earlier than PDG did. He started rolling one day and then doing a roll-sit-roll combo a couple days later and then wham-o, he had it all figured out. And by the 7-month marker he even figured out how to pull up to standing on certain objects and do a little bear-crawl too. Time to re-baby-proof everything.
His sleep continues to follow an algorithm even the greatest mathematicians couldn't break. Some nights 7-4 then back down for more sleep. Some 7 to 12 or 1, frantic screaming until nursed, then back down til 5:45 then up for the day. Some nights other random awakenings just to find the paci. I've given up figuring it out. We do give an extra two ounces of milk from a bottle after I nurse at night now, just to make sure his belly is full enough to make it through the night. I can't tell if my body is adequately keeping up with him, but that's another whole post about breastfeeding and self-doubt of its own.
His hair is coming in more and more, and even starting to curl!
He now sits in the tub with PDG for bathtime without any sort of support. Usually it's a lot of giggles before a quick shift to I'm-tired-get-me-out-of-here cries.
The best part about this month has been just how much the boys have started interacting with each other. They make each other laugh and melt my heart. MDG watches PDG's every move, mimics what he can, laughs when he can't, and lights up whenever he enters the room. Sure it's annoying that PDG now wakes up earlier because he hears MDG get up somewhere in the 6am range, but what better way to start a summer morning than to see one boy in his bed, the other in his crib, and both giggling and wiggling as they watch each other?
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