Thursday, August 14, 2014

Back to the Rock

Ok, I think I've finally got myself together enough to post my favorite pictures from this year's Arkansas Adventure. It was a super busy week, so here are the highlights.

First, this was MDG's first plane ride and the first for PDG since last year's wedding trip. He now gets a whole seat to himself! Thanks to Mama H's preboarding status, we secured front row seats (Southwest and their crazy no-seat-assignment nonsense) so we boarded and were so excited to go!
 Ok, we took this picture. Then we buckled up and MDG fell asleep. Everything was ideal.... Then, of course, our pilot tells us something's wrong with the plane. Six hours in Dulles later we finally boarded another plane, to a different airport, and got to Big Sis's house around 2am instead of 5pm. But. We made it. And all in all, I couldn't have asked for my boys to be kinder to their mama and grandparents during the whole ordeal.

Speaking of good things, we had some amazing desserts while we were there. Milkshakes every night.
Big Sis introduced PDG to the world of echoes in this awesome, though seemingly pointless, tunnel at the park. He now loves to hear his voice in every possible tunnel situation. Our staircase included (sorry neighbors).
The boys have never napped harder, I don't think, than that week with Big Sis.  Her energy, along with cousin N's energy gave them an unending supply of playmates. Of course, that southern sun didn't hurt either.

Last year I missed the trip by non-wedding party folks to the Clinton Library, so Big Sis and I headed out.  I dressed myself and the boys in our Fourth of July red, white, and blue (which totally set a trend for the rest of the fam) and we all did some tourism.  Since my parents had been, they checked out some Little Rock Nine memorials instead.
 Back at home I also took advantage of the matching outfits to force some family photos.
At some point we also took the most epic bath ever. I'm talking jets, bubbles, the works.
I'd also started supplementing formula by this point, so Papa H got plenty of snuggles as the surprising candidate for bottle-giver.
We had so much fun, despite missing J-Man terribly. I don't know what or where the H-Family will be gathering next year, but I already can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Nicole, I have missed your family! You are a crazy talented writer and a rocking mama! I have a great idea for your next family get-together........Tennessee! : )
