Sunday, September 7, 2014

MDG at 9 Months

Baby MDG is 9 months old now! Can you believe it?  Neither can he.  See?
Here's what he's up to:

He still has two teeth, but lots of drool like more might come soon. He continues to love his paci, and has even started to take his puppy wubbanub that PDG calls Clifford. I mean, every red dog is named Clifford when you're under ten, right?
He crawls that one-legged hybrid and is super fast. He pulls up, cruises around, reaches down to pick up things, pushes those walker toys, and can climb our whole set of stairs.

He loves playing with his big brother's toys, and luckily doesn't mind when PDG steals whatever he has and gives him a less cool replacement. Also, he likes to grunt at PDG, as if he's having a conversation, so PDG will grunt back. It's best when we're in parking lots and they both are making echoes. No "mama" or "dada" babbling sounds yet, but it's cool. The milestone stress is far less this go-round.
I won't know his height/weight stats until the 12th, but he's big. He eats pretty much nonstop. Fresh tomatoes are a current favorite, but like big brother, he loves it all. He even smacks his lips to demand more. If it's food, he'll eat it. Heck, if it's mulch, he'll eat it. Babies...

His curls are in full force, making J-Man ask me when we can cut them. The answer? Not for three more months!
He finally mastered sleeping through the night this month. Like, for real this time. Holy moly, it's amazing. The 5am feeding is still pretty frequent, but 7pm-5am is totally doable. Not just doable - lifechanging.

Life is good and we're rolling along.

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