Saturday, October 18, 2014

J-Man's 31st

We G's just keep getting older. Not "old" per se, just older. Little G's and Big G's alike.

J-Man just turned 31. Can you believe it?  Thirty sounds fun and adult-ish. You know, "thirty, flirty and thriving." Thirty-one just sounds.... like a number. So we celebrated as such.
MDG and PDG decided to have colds, so much so that PDG needed to stay home from daycare with an awful cough. Luckily, Mama and Papa H came to the rescue and drove over in the morning, to save J-Man from endless hours of snuggles while watching Super Why in bed.

In the afternoon we all got to see him just long enough to record a video for Cousin N who shares a birthday with J-Man, a few hugs and kisses, and then he was back out the door to watch the Seahawks beat the local football team with the racist name.
At 1:30 when I awoke to find my J-Man not yet home, I naturally panicked.  Too many episodes of shows like Disappeared had me worried that I might never see him again.  Something must have gone terribly wrong. My boys would never know their father - not really. I'd have to tell them stories of his humor and work ethic and endless generosity. I'd fall asleep lonely each night, half of the bed left untouched. My heart would ache forever.

You know, the usual morbid thoughts.

Then his buddy responded to my frantic texts and it turned out they'd just had a crazy journey home from the game and would arrive shortly. We all get another year of J-Man. And I get about seven more months before embracing thirty-one as well.
Oh, and sometime during all this, PDG decided to make his own video selfie. Someday if I figure out how to add videos, I'll come back and insert it here.

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