Saturday, January 10, 2015

MDG at 13 Months

MDG is well into life as a toddling one year old, and I almost forgot to stop and record it.
What is he up to, you ask? Pretty much whatever his brother is into. Which of course leads to plenty of tantrums and yanking of toys, followed by a "remember to share" chat, and a sharing dance by mama when PDG finally remembers that MDG is now big enough to enjoy playing with all the same toys he does.
MDG is a decent eater, but still not into meats. And when presented with a food he prefers over what's in his mouth currently, he continues to spit out his entire mouthful in order to upgrade to the new offering.

Sleep is going pretty well and through the night most nights. (excuse me while I knock on every piece of wood I can find). Teething turns everything upside down, but we're holding steady with four up top and four down bottom, so hopefully we get a break for a few months before molars.
Car rides are less scream-filled than they once were, but we can't quite quit the paci. It's just so easy to clip it on him and ride in peace. Or do anything in peace. Maybe next month?
Still just "uh-oh" on the consistent words front. And some sort of "take it/thank you" noise whenever he gives us something. We get the occasional "dada" and lots of "ahhh"s to the right tunes starting songs like the ABCs, Old McDonald, or Wheels on the Bus. I'm starting to think his first real words will be lyrics, not dialogue. Which would be cool. And definitely not inherited from me.
So onward and upward in his 18mo clothes and looking so grown. My big little baby boy.

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