Saturday, July 11, 2015

Camp Nicole July 2015 Schedule

How are we G's staying busy you ask? Well mostly by following Camp Nicole schedule. It goes a little like this:
6-7am - wake up and snuggle in my bed while J-Man dresses for work

7-8:30am- gradually move downstairs, eat some combo of dinosaur oatmeal (PDG), chocolate eggos (MDG) and yogurt/oatmeal/fruit/granola bars/etc (me) all coveted by and eventually shared with MDG and PDG

8:30-9:30am - get dressed, choose a park for the day, pack a "park bag" and inevitably choose a snack that one boy likes and the other doesn't, and convince PDG to potty  even though he'd much prefer the chance to wait and pee on a tree

9:30am-12pm - head somewhere outdoors with one single goal: wear PDG out so that he naps. Everything else comes in a distant second place. Fingers crossed the other park parents/nannies aren't obnoxious.
12-1pm - get back home, eat an easy-to-fix lunch balancing out any unhealthy hot dogs or chicken nuggets with excessive blueberries (and hope J-Man gets stuck with those diapers...)

1-3:30pm - independent play in the bedroom until the boys pass out. Occasional check ins required to remind PDG that bed-jumping is not, actually a "quiet" activity like books or stuffed animals. Also not quiet - hiding MDG's blanket from him, screaming "say geronimo," pretending to echo, and throwing socks at one another. Quiet but equally not ok - finding a chapstick and eating the whole thing, unscrewing the lamp's light bulb, stripping all the blankets and fitted sheet from the bed. As for me, watch two episodes of something embarrassing, possibly do some novel revisions, maybe read some more of the Amy Poehler book, sweep up any sand deposits and take at least five minutes to sit in total silence.

3:30ish-5pm - Operation Wiggles Out (Part II) location varies depending on how long dinner will take to prepare but jumping and running highly encouraged.
5-5:30pm - eat again and try to trick MDG into ingesting a vegetable and not just some cheese and animal cracker combination. Unload dishwasher while no one can break anything while trying to help

5:30-6ishpm - keep checking the clock to see how much longer until J-Man gets home. Notice the living room suddenly get covered with every toy we own.

6-7:30pm - mix and mash talking to J-Man while he eats with corralling the hyper children and convincing them that cleanup/bath/brushing teeth/pajamas are all super awesome activities

7:30-7:40pm - successfully ask J-Man about his day after pulling the boys' door shut

7:40pm - miss the boys and say how we can't wait to wake them up and play again

7:45 - 10ish - watch Downton Abbey, practice our terrible British accents, wax philosophical about how to solve the world's problems, step on a crayon or puzzle piece we somehow overlooked, wonder what our life would look be like without the boys, decide we're glad we'll never know, and tuck ourselves in at a more reasonable time than during the school year, but still early

10-6am - wake up twice to pee. possibly once more because MDG decides to announce he also woke up, pray he doesn't need attention, remember he's my last baby and he won't need me forever, and try not to have any more dreams about a 3rd kid. Come on subconscious, that shop is closed!!

Time to start again.

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