Friday, November 13, 2015

Big Bro's Visit

Big Bro lives far away in Utah. That's a two hour time difference, as if connecting with him without our combined six kids' schedules to consider weren't complicated enough. Plane tickets are pricey, school calendars conflict, and life gets in the way of us seeing each other as much as we'd like. This all means that on those rare trips one of us is able to make to see the other, it's a pretty big deal.
This year Big Bro brought his oldest two boys for a week to spend in Virginia. They caught a JMU football game, for obvious reasons, and did a little poking around DC when the Pope was out of the way. We G's snuck in as much face time as we could.
keeping busy while the H-crew headed to JMU
This, because Big Bro inherited more of the country living genes than I did, included taking PDG on a walk back in the woods to look for bears, where he thankfully only found a tractor, and managing to click and whistle the pretty horses from clear across the field to come eat some grass out of our hands.

While we weren't commenting over and over about how much each other's kids have grown, and how his two were the ages of my two just yesterday, we had fun just catching up, eating Mama H's delicious cooking and soaking up the slow pace of life just an hour away from my busy street.

Speaking of my street, Big Bro did get a chance to see our little duplex and the neighborhood so that he can envision what I'm talking about now. I got to share a slice of my grown up life with him, and even though I'll always be his littlest sister, it's fun for us to be adults together. It was really nice. I just wish it didn't happen only once a year.

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