Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Math, Logically

I've asked my parents before if there were early signs in my childhood that I was going to be different. And by different I mean, you know... a mathlete.

I don't remember not loving numbers more than words, or feeling intense satisfaction after having solved a problem. Reading was fine. Writing I eventually started to get pretty into, when simply playing out stories with real toys became frowned upon. Math, though, it's always been my thing.

So I've asked because I now have a little guy I'm curious about. Here he is, in case you'd forgotten. (He's totally ignoring my pleas not to grow up so fast!)
But back to math, PDG has been doing something a little different lately. One, he's into Legos - the real kind with tiny pieces that you step on and curse everything you can think of while carefully trying not to actually curse since the Lego Movie has proven that he's really good at quoting things. But, since he's into real Legos, MDG has a renewed interest in the Duplo knockoffs that we have called Megablocks. And so, because this is how it goes with two kids, PDG will often decide he isn't into real Legos anymore and would rather take over MDG's "lego blocks" and make things like this.
Notice anything? Perhaps how perfectly symmetrical it is? Because that's how every single creation PDG builds is. If there aren't two or four matching pieces, then it doesn't belong in his tower/plane/car/rocket.

Miss S at Daycare, who also has a gigantic tub of Megablocks, thinks it's an awareness of color. I'm not fully convinced. My inner numbers lover is hoping that PDG is turning into a math kid. One who will one day get excited by the prospect of solving a logic problem like this that a friend has posted on facebook.
No, I haven't solved it. It would take a super long time. But I did lie awake thinking about it at 3am recently for no reason other than I wanted to. I really really wanted to. And maybe, when I'm not an exhausted mama chasing after two strong-willed toddlers all the time, I'll reread this post and sit down and do it.


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