I don't know when or how it happened, but MDG turned two!!!!!
(Ok, that's a lie, it happened on Dec. 2nd, but the how is still confounding me. Like, he was just born. I was just pregnant. He should still be my baby. Period)
A little bit about my MDG
He's big. He weighs almost 30 pounds (twenty-nine point something) 78% and measures right at 36in - 91%. Head size in the 50% but we blame that on J-Man :)
(Unrelated, anyone see that link going around facebook that using sideways smileys is not cool anymore? Just like using periods in text messages. Oh well. :))
MDG still doesn't really like to eat. I don't know how he's so giant when I swear all he does is drink milk. When I told the doctor he has four cups a day (actually five lots of days - I'm just not great at being 100% honest with doctors) she gasped aloud. So that's one goal, less milk. More water and food. He loves broccoli though. And fruit of all kinds. He's warming up to meat and other vegetables. He must eat at daycare. But when all else fails and your totally kid-friendly meal gets spurned while PDG inhales it and asks for seconds, MDG will go for a well-rounded plate of string cheese, yogurt, krab, clementines, and a gallon of milk.
He talks a lot now. He sings a version of the ABC's that just repeats ABC over and over, but he can throw in other letters when you sing with him. He thinks every letter he sees is a P and counts "one, two, seven, three" more often than not. He's expanded his color guessing to go "green? purple? green? blue? green? purple?" To help him out we often ask him about something green or purple when he gets frustrated.
When you cough or sneeze he'll ask if you're ok, and also right after he tackles J-Man. Before he tackles J-Man he'll usually ask "ready?" too. The answer doesn't affect the impending full-body flinging. He likes to help "wakie up" the Santa and snowman decorations in our yard, and will ask if it's good morningtime when I go in at 5:30 to get them dressed. He pops up with a smile and is ready to start the day. I'm telling you, he may look like an H, but he's got G genes dominating in the personality.
He's pretty into Super Y, Daniel Tiger, and Elmo on TV, and then anything his brother is playing with for toys. He had a brief scared-of-bugs phase a month or so ago, but unlike with his brother's, I was totally calm this go-round.
MDG continues to be our passionate child with the high highs and the low lows and no middle ground. He lights up our lives and I can't imagine life without him. Happy (belated) birthday to my darling, not-so-baby boy.
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