Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Lil Bro Comes to A-town

Oh how we G's love company. We really, truly do. You should come visit us in our tiny house and see for yourself. That's what Lil Bro did for a few days over vacation, and he was beyond loved.
I haven't seen Lil Bro in far too long. He got to meet MDG last year at a funeral I was unable to attend, so that makes it closer to one year than two since we got to hang out. He's far from the little kid kneeling with the ring and making sweet toasts at our wedding. He's, like, an adult.

The boys were in heaven. He taught PDG how to build even better towers, and PDG chose to listen, such that now there is only one tower-building approach allowed in our house. He read stories and tickled and shared his candy the way any terrific uncle would. Once, when he stepped outside for a moment, PDG broke down into hysterics believing he had left forever and I thought he might hyperventilate. That's how much the little boys loved Lil Bro.
J-Man and I loved having him too. Except, that is, when we felt really old. He filled us in on all the apps that I hear my students discuss, but never actually see during school hours. I still don't understand periscope and snapchat or the need to video face to face if the goal isn't for a toddler to better recognize his extended family, but I've seen them all in action. I even figured out the whole swiping left and right Tinder lingo.
not his baby. or mine. just fyi
We were glad to have him come, hold all the babies we could put in front of him, put his marine muscles to work making fresh juices, and out-technology all of us in an instant. Hope it won't be so long before his next visit.

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