Saturday, May 7, 2016

Signs I'm Getting Old(er)

1. I put in my leave request this week for my upcoming tenth college reunion. Tenth!

2. My impulse buy at the grocery store was brie and water crackers.

3. I celebrated my thirty-second birthday.

4. I didn't care much about eating cake on my birthday. Although I still did.

5. My back hurts enough these days for me to request a massage as a present.

6. I fell asleep around 8pm on my birthday and felt no shame whatsoever. I was tired.

7. The early morning and late evening commute radio stations play throwback jams that now match my middle and high school years. Not my older siblings'. Not my parents'. The nineties are nothing but serious nostalgia now.

8. I spent the Saturday between Mother's Day and my birthday home alone, avoiding Chuck E. Cheese with its bright lights and terrible pizza and overwhelming noise like the plague.

9. While avoiding the big C.E.C. reward adventure (30 bedtime stickers for PDG!!), I instead took pleasure in catching up on laundry. Pleasure!

10. Did I mention already falling asleep at 8pm? Or is this early memory loss? And am I talking to myself now? Eek, this aging thing is scary!


But in reality, I know I'm young. I have another year full of many great memories in the bank, and plenty of reason to look forward to all that being 32 entails. Bring it on!

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