Monday, June 27, 2011

Bienvenidos a Miami

I spent Monday through Friday in Miami, people.  Five days!

Ok, first off, it wasn't really Miami.  It was Ft. Lauderdale.  But it was muggy like Miami.  People were tan like Miami.  You could smell the ocean like Miami.  You get the point.

Also, it wasn't really five days.  Not when your plane arrives Monday afternoon and leaves again Friday morning.

And, does it really count when the only beach time you get is from inside a beachfront  italian restaurant (yes, I was eating lasagna) looking out at the tan, barely-clothed street folks frolicking in the sand?

Here's what I want to remember about my week in not-Miami

1) My flight getting canceled.  My kind service operator who asked me "how fast can you get to the airport?" in reference to a possible alternative

2) My swanky, swanky lobby and mediocre room

3) That applicant who called me a moron after we didn't hire him.  Decision validated.

4) The going green initiative, where Sheraton hotel gives a $5 voucher if you don't make them clean your room.  I used it twice because, heaven knows I don't wash my sheets and towels daily at home, why should I on the road? Which led to me not feeling guilty about this could-have-been-$15 breakfast  (I went back for seconds too)

5) Sleeping mouth open on the plane.  Thank goodness I carry mini-altoids

6) Being so busy I couldn't even write down my thoughts in a semi-collected manner on a public site

That's not-Miami in a nutshell.  Combined with hours and hours and hours of work-related nonsense that toes the line of pull-your-hair-out stressful and fulfilling good times.

Now, less than 48-hours til we're Cancun bound.  Maybe I'll be like that girl I don't like and hate on a lot and post 600 pics of me and J-Man in the Caribbean?  Should I?  Should I?

Nah.  I'll just say goodbye to the first half of 2011 and keep my fingers crossed that the second half makes some wishes come true

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