Every now and again a G just needs some lady time. A relaxing morning to venture out alone. A flag football game to distract the husband. A good girl friend to float around the city with. The prescription for a picker-upper Saturday if ever there was one.
So M and I decided to get together for ice cream and french fries. For real. That was the plan that had been hatched over gmail. Saturday June 4th, ice cream, fried foods, us, done.
Over laundry I unloaded the emotionally complex week that included getting doctor bills and making appointments and going to appointments and considering my pregnancy attempts in monetary terms and the way that somehow, despite it all, I managed to know and love J-Man more after such a crazy hard week. And M said really kind things that I think she meant and that I really appreciated hearing. And then we talked about fun things in M's life that made us smile and giggle.
We walked along U Street, which I hear about often but never actually venture to because I'm old and lazy and going out in DC is beyond me most weekends, and we shopped for wedding dresses. Wait. Not like, bridal gowns. Dresses one can wear when attending someone else's wedding.
We got Rita's which was absolutely delicious. As tasty as Pack's, even if it doesn't have the full childhood nostalgia. As we headed out these two little kids, maybe aged 9 and 11, watched us enjoying our chocolate/vanilla swirls. The younger of the two stood on a bench and declared, "I wish I was a little bit taller."
The two looked at each other, then us, and the older girl continued "I wish I was a baller." They giggled.
In unison "I wish I had a girl...."
M and I had continued walking, but were amused by this little exchange. After all, weren't we that height and age once singing the same lyrics? What is with all the recent reminders of how old we are?
But also, in my head (and maybe in M's too, who knows) I thought - I am a little taller. I am a baller by my own definition. I have a girl(guy) who looks good and I call her(him). So, mission accomplished?
Sure, why not?
Onward to tater tots, onion rings, burgers and satisfaction we ventured.
um. of course I meant what I said and I said what I meant (an elephant's faithful 100%).