Monday, June 4, 2012

Beach Bums

Since we missed beach time for Memorial Day, and since we "went back" to my alma mater last year, we decided to take advantage of some sun and set out for a day on the water this past weekend.

As my news feed fills up with orange and black, we decided to look forward while dressed for the past.  Through some clever convincing, I was able to close J-Man into agreeing to tag along with KB and her family to Colonial Beach

There we set up massive camp.  J-Man and I had nothing to do with this, as neither of us are beach kids.  In fact, despite my parents' best attempts, I fulfill the stereotypes about black women and water.  I suppose my hair isn't a huge inconvenience, but it's a great excuse for a general discomfort in deep water and exhaustion when treading.  Even so, we have hopes that PDG will be a fearless water baby.

When you put his feet in the water, he gives a look to say "Ok, I might be alright with this, but not enough to splash or smile... this time."  Even though the water was ice cold, he snuggled his toes into the sand, bore weight on his ever-strengthening legs, and let me hold him there until my own legs tired of squatting.


Then, a lot of relaxing in the shade, watching his buddy 4.0 (that's his buddy's name, and his buddy is full of excitement as he's now crawling!), and eventually a good long nap on the car ride home.

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