Parker is five months old! Where did time go?!
Ok, here are a few updates
A pacifier. Not just at naptime anymore. He can even take it out by himself (in addition to the occasional spitting it out) and sometimes gets it back in.
Rice cereal, plums and peaches. He hasn't tried any pureed fruits/veggies just yet.
Eating his toes. Holding them is no longer enough, in the mouth they go.
Rolling over tummy to back.
Being held like a big boy on mama's hip. No more being cradled unless super cranky/tired.
Drooling everywhere. We keep being told that means teeth are around the corner. None yet, and no rush.
The TV. (No, I'm not a perfect mom who can keep her kid screen free til age two. Sorry. I mean, the olympics were on! So I just narrated to him all about gymnastics, diving, swimming etc. And he got to laugh as mama tried to teach him how to do the sports during commercial breaks.)
Tummy time, still. Hence the liking rolling over
When other people are eating and he isn't.
Sleeping past 7am. Or being awake past 8pm.
Being cold.
Oh, and neither a like nor dislike, but it's time for me to clean out his pajama drawer again. He's ready for 6-9month footed pajamas. Still some more time in his 3-6m day clothes at least. Thank heavens for hand-me-downs!
Another Vegas to NC to Puerto Rico. He has quite a bit of travel under his belt in his short five months.