Sunday, December 9, 2012

Out of Hibernation

Well, shoot.  I disappeared again, didn't I?
note the movember stache

Well, there are a few things I could blame it on.  For instance, PDG now has a third tooth and a fourth one that is so, so, so close - and it's killing us all as we wait for it to come through.  I'm talking orajel-as-breakfast-dessert-every-day kinds of mornings.

Oh, and there's Homeland.  Showtime, why would you let your on-demand show us both seasons at just the click of a button?  Do you really think J-Man and I have that sort of self-restraint?

There was Thanksgiving, which while full of gratitude, also meant lots of family time back at the H-house with limited internet. This year, with Mama H's knee still healing from surgery, I actually got to run the kitchen.

There's the fact that we had to move the computer from the couch area now that PDG can pull up and attack anything left on the coffee table.  Something about blog-writing from a desk feels so... formal.

And, then, you know, the usual culprit of sleepiness.

But PDG is almost 9 months (update and more pictures soon) and J-Man and I are chugging along.  We just made it out to our first movie date together since Bridesmaids and completed our traditional, non-traditional Christmas cards. Life is good and it's almost Christmas break.  Or "winter break."

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