My PDG is two thirds of a year old!
Oh, that's not a milestone? Whatever.
You know what is a milestone? Crawling. No, as of this past Monday he didn't crawl yet, but we are so so so close. He'll get up on all four and even kinda move his knees for a few centimeters, but that lopsided army crawl is still his go-to means of mobility.
Turns out PDG is a cold-body like his mama. Miss S has, in her stern yet loving way, insisted that I must send him in two layers from now on because "it's his first winter."
I did the make-shift weight attempt and according to my mom's scale and my subtraction skills he weighs 18lb 4oz. You know in Chemistry how you can only trust a measurement to so many decimal points....? Yeah, I'd believe anything from 17-20
PDG still loves his food, and seems to be kinda over breastfeeding and milk. We'll still keep it up a few more months since I know it has more nutrition than food. It just should be noted that he LOVES solid food.
Oh and despite my attempts to teach him, no clapping or waving yet. He will pull out a smile at the sight of a camera though. He'll babble on, especially during our 30 minute commute, and likes to breathe hard through his two teeth in a growl-like manner.
I guess that's all. Yay PDG. Way to keep growing. Just not too fast, ok? Ok.
This is the cutest baby ever!