Thursday, May 8, 2014

Apple Blossom 2014 in Pictures

Rather than string together a cohesive narrative about Apple Blossom 2014, let me just bombard you with photos of my family and captions and you can imagine that there are clever transitions and neatly organized paragraphs to accompany them.  Cool?


To set the scene, we left immediately after school on Friday, having already sported pink and green outfits for the day.  The trip felt long, but thankfully MDG did sleep for a decent portion to spare us the shrieking, and eventually we made it to Mama and Papa H and the Fireman's Parade.

 My view of PDG for most of the parade.  He was in awe that there continued to be another fire truck each and every time.  And when there wasn't, there was a car!  Or a band!
 The best smile I could get before he immediately whipped back to look at the fire engines.
Check out the nearly identical photo of this from last year. Hasn't my PDG grown so much?

 I don't get tons of MDG photos since he's usually on my lap, just like this.  Strange that he wasn't smiling, but it was pretty loud and bedtime I guess...

Just because I have boys doesn't mean I will avoid opportunities to buy them matching clothes.  And then coordinate my outfit to go with theirs.  And then force them to take pictures in the same place I've taken Apple Blossom pictures for 30 years.
 We got to the parade early and since M lives right by the house where we sit, it was easy to find extra arms to hold this guy.  Plus, M had a whole crew of "biddies" she was escorting around that day, and needed to even out the average age of her companions for a few minutes.
 This balloon we got to support some politician.  Foust?  I'd possibly still remember if it hadn't popped a few moments after this picture, having lasted all of maybe five minutes.
 PDG's favorite seat, of course
He also made friends with any other little folks, equally donning pink/green, and doing anything semi-dangerous or new.  Balancing on rocks while holding a fence 15 feet above the ground certainly counted.
 Holding a bubble gun also counted.  And this girl didn't stop pressing that trigger until every drop of bubble soap was exhausted - a girl right after the heart of my PDG.  Clearly two peas in a pod.  Until the bubbles ended, that is.
 My attempt to capture all three of us.  Eh, I tried.
 Our queen, Sean Astin's daughter.  I wasn't inspired enough to stand above the fenceline, but did want a picture.
 And I guess PDG wasn't impressed....
Or perhaps it was our Grand Marshall, one of the Bachelor alums, that was the disappointment.  Somebody Lowe.
 Although I never even made it to get a corn dog this year (gasp!) from being overwhelmed by two kids and a husband at an Oregon wedding, some great gals did venture down my way to say hello!
Even MDG wanted to express his excitement they'd stopped by.  And, given Miss F's delicate relationship with babies, this had to be documented.

All in all, a fun but exhausting weekend.  Far better than when I was pregnant and sick last year.  But definitely different than when I was pre-mama and free to wander and give (occasionally fake) hugs, and see friends/acquaintances/cotton candy salesmen by the dozens along the parade route.  Next year I'll have two to chase around the yard, but we will definitely be venturing to the midway for some deep fried deliciousness.  After all, just because I finally won't be eating for two in some fashion doesn't mean I won't need to make up for missing out on those calories this year.

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