I'm baa-aack!
You guys, I know I took my longest hiatus ever but I promise, I'm back. At least, well, on a more regular basis than this spring.
If you're wondering what I've been up to, I decided to try my hand at some other writing. I've written a manuscript and it's been a surprising amount of fun. I mean, it might be horrifically awful, but it's an accomplishment so I feel good about that. And I'm working my way through edits and rewrites and even letting J-Man go through it. (by the way, J-Man is so not the target audience... it's a YA romantic novel written like a blog - where ever would I get that idea? - with the main characters in high school).
Beyond that I've been wrapping up my 3rd year at WSHS and dealing with my crazy fellow teacher and her antics and generally surviving the exhaustion of two high-energy needy toddlers. I think someone forgot to tell MDG that terrible twos can wait to kick in until he's hit his second birthday.
In March/April we traveled to Texas and Louisiana, in May we hit up Apple Blossom, and aside from those we've showered Big Sis for the upcoming arrival of baby cousin boy or girl, started revisiting our favorite parks, convinced the landlords to buy us a more efficient and quieter toilet, gotten MDG down to using a paci only when sleeping, and traded which parent drives which car to work.
As I type, I'm currently enjoying my Mom Vacation Week where the boys are happily playing at Miss S's house with their friends while I spend my days doing a combination of chores at a relaxed pace while watching terrible tv like Pretty Little Liars, making homemade lasagnas, eating bagels in Panera working on my book, getting my hair done and failing to successfully nap. It feels really good, and it's just what I need before it's time to implement Camp Nicole next week for my 8 weeks home with the boys.
So, in case you want to see more pictures, over the next few posts I'll try to include my favorites from the past three months. Then maybe, just maybe, get back into the groove of things.
Yay!! I had just been hoping a day or two ago that you'd post again soon. Your hair looks fantastic! Enjoy your week!!