Friday, June 26, 2015

Spring Break 2015 aka TX2NOLA2TX

Here goes, Spring Break in pictures:

 PDG spent plenty of time just like this. We flew into Houston, drove to Austin, made our way all the way to New Orleans, then headed back to fly back out of Houston again. Saturday to Saturday.
 In Austin we saw a great friend who taught in the Bronx with me and her sweet family. My boys fell in love with her girls and vice versa. They played to exhaustion while we caught up and we all enjoyed Texas staples like barbecue and kolaches.
 It feels like we were both just in NYC falling in love and tearing our hair out at the craziness of our CSSJ administration and students. Yet here we are, eight years later, married with babies.
From Austin we drove a ridiculous amount well into Lousiana, stopped long enough to sleep, and kept on chugging until we hit the Big Easy. Needless to say, J-Man's favorite part was the seafood. PDG and MDG had their own reactions 
 I insisted that we do all the touristy things like Cafe du Monde for Beignets and balloons and J-Man held his tongue about how much he dislikes standing in line for things that everyone else wants.
 At Mama H's insistence we took a carriage ride through downtown.
 Well, PDG missed most of it... but I had a grand time.
 Um, I don't know what this church is, but it was pretty and looked important. I'm not a very good tourist it turns out...
And... uh-oh... look who found the leftover beignets...
 This next one is just because J-Man is J-Man and looks for a good joke wherever he can find it.

 We took the trolley to the flower district which the boys love because they're boys and love trains and adventures and fresh air.
 We got a little lost looking for the zoo. but ultimately had a great stay.
 Soon enough we packed up and headed for a Louisiana resort (not an oxymoron) that happens to be a casino with a lovely lazy river.
 The next day we made it to Houston where we frolicked in one of their great parks like true Texans. I mean, look at PDG with his bare feet and blue jeans.
While Houston itself was fun to explore, especially the Children's Museum (which puts DC's to shame) the highlight was seeing another NYC Teaching Fellow and her family.
All in all it was a pretty fantastic trip. Not particularly relaxing, but jam-packed and lots of fun, book-ended by great friends.

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